How to get over FOMO

Jul 22, 2024Carly Burr
How to get over FOMO

How to Get Over FOMO

Ahh FOMO.  It's the cause of what I believe will be one of the greatest tragedies of our time is missing out on our own lives because we fear missing out on everyone else’s. This fear of missing out, or FOMO, is definitely amplified in today's world, where constant access to information and social media makes it difficult to disconnect.

What exactly is FOMO?

Verywell Mind explains what FOMO is in such clear terms. They say; "The fear of missing out, or FOMO, refers to the feeling or perception that others are having more fun, living better lives, or experiencing better things than you are."

But I also wanted to point out that FOMO exists in other ways as well. For those not on social media, FOMO can also stem from missing out on valuable information in books, podcasts, and other media. This is how I experience it in my life, and I've been doing my best to stay aware of the amount of consumption that i'm allowing vs. how much action i'm taking in creating.  Becoming and staying aware of this has helped me make massive moves and progress leaps and bounds this year specifically! 

How to Shift Your Perspective on FOMO

My FAVORITE way to to manage FOMO is to turn it inward and focus on your own life. Think of it as the Fear of Missing Out on Your Own Life. When you spend time on social media or consuming content, you are taking time away from your own experiences. Here are some steps to help you shift your perspective:

  1. Take a Break: Step back from social media or whatever is causing your FOMO. Use this break to pay attention to the smaller details of your life and start making your own memories.
  2. Tune into Yourself: Spend time in silence and space. Notice what you feel inclined to do or think about instead of consuming content.
  3. Identify Dissatisfaction: If your FOMO is rooted in dissatisfaction with your current situation, identify why you’re unsatisfied. Start making small shifts to improve your circumstances rather than distracting yourself with others’ lives.
  4. Pray and Reflect: Seek help and guidance in identifying areas of your life that need attention. Don’t hesitate to bring your concerns to a higher power if you believe in one.

Embrace JOMO

Instead of FOMO, embrace the Joy of Missing Out (JOMO). After nearly a decade offline, I’ve found that JOMO is real and achievable. Here’s how you might go about cultivating JOMO:

  • Experiment: Try new things, even if they don’t turn out as planned. This is part of your unique journey and there’s always a lesson to be learned.
  • Focus on Your Life: Shift your focus from others’ lives to your own. Enjoy and place emphasis on your life as much as you do on consuming content.
  • Join a Supportive Community: If you need support, join our free community, offline! It's the most inspiring and supportive space for people who are both living offline working toward that, or doing their version of offline.  You can join our free community HERE, we'd love to get to know you and help you however we can wherever you're at on your journey! communities that encourage offline living.


Don’t let FOMO keep you from living your beautiful, one-of-a-kind life. Your desire to explore life offline is valid and worth pursuing. Take it one small step at a time, in your way and in your time.

Remember, you’re not alone in this journey! Join our free community, where you can get inspired and receive support along your way. Don't let FOMO be the reason you stay online; embrace the joy of missing out and live your life to the fullest!!

Thank you for reading! If you found this helpful, share it with a friend who struggles with FOMO and who could benefit from a perspective shift around it.  


If you want more in depth on this topic you can listen to this blog post with more context on my podcast "Taking Life Offline". You'll find this episode HERE or wherever you listen to your podcasts!   




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