Offline Worldwide is all about hitting pause on the digital noise and tuning into what really matters—you and where God’s leading you. We’re here for those ready to swap screen time for moments that fill you up. It’s not just about cutting the scroll—it’s about living with intention, embracing simplicity, and making space for deeper connections.
Our products help you live intentionally and stay aligned with what feels right for you regardless of what the world is doing.


The Book01
The Book


Hey there! I’m Carly Burr, wife to my best friend, mother of two darling little girls, & founder of the Offline Worldwide Movement.

Nearly a decade ago, I made the decision to step away from social media, and it’s been absolutely life-changing. I used to feel behind, dissatisfied & overwhelmed, constantly comparing my journey to everyone else’s highlight reels. But once I unplugged, I found clarity, joy, and peace in living intentionally—at my own pace and in alignment with God’s plan for me.

Offline Worldwide was born out of that shift. Our movement & products are designed to help you live with intention—putting it on, so to speak—and tuning into the life you’re meant to live!

We have the most incredible global community supporting people who are ready to scroll less, live more, and explore the beauty of life beyond the screen.

My hope is that this site, our movement & our community helps you scroll less, live with intention & prioritize what truly matters.

All my love!




Don't hesitate to reach out! We'd love to hear from you : )


If you're feeling overwhelmed by social media and unsure how to break free, I get it—I’ve been there. Nearly a decade ago, I ditched social media, and it changed everything for me. In The Social Media Shift, I uncover the lies that keep us glued to our screens and offer a fresh perspective on what life can be like without constantly needing connection and validation.

If you're ready to stop letting social media control your time, relationships, and peace of mind, this book is for you. Through real-life stories and practical tools, I’ll help you:

  • Ditch the FOMO and find true joy offline
  • Reclaim your time and attention
  • Strengthen your relationships without relying on social media

It’s time to live aligned with what truly matters—without the distractions. The Social Media Shift is your guide to making that shift.

All my love!



Not-your-typical blog, read & get inspired into action to live more offline!

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How to Get Over FOMO Ahh FOMO.  It's the cause of what I believe will be one of the greatest tragedies of our time is missing out on our own...
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Social Media and Relationships This is a subject that i'm super passionate about and have pretty strong opinions on.  I go into much more depth on this subject in THIS...